Saturday 23 June 2018

WRITING: How edit?

The longest short story I have ever wrote is 19 pages double spaced or 4362 words. My task this weekend is to make it 10 pages double spaced. So what do I cut? Everything within the story seems important right now and I'm having a hard time deciding what to do.

I'll admit that there's a lot of backstory right now. How much of it do I need? Does Frances need to pine over Freddic back home? Probably not, but that changes the ending. What about Frances' childhood?

Whatever I end up doing, I can't seem to make a simple cut and retain the story as is. I guess my apprehension stems from laziness. I had the same problem with my last class, being reluctant to change things, but the end result of that was fantastic. I'd never go back to that draft I edited, and I hope writing this out helps me remember that.

Seems like I'm distracting myself right now...

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